The Light
Our History
For Over 25 Years
The C.H.A.P. Store was founded in 1991 and has been serving the surrounding area ever since. We are proud to be a resource for the community.
The Evangelical Church
Since 2014 our store has been part of an outreach ministry of "The North Central Conference of The Evangelical Church". In 2017, Compassion Ministries was formed and oversees The C.H.A.P. Store as well as two other ministries: The Village and CityLifeWorks.
The Management
Mark and Sherry Klemme have managed the store since 2015. They have a passion for people and a commitment to excellence. Their vision is to see redemptive relationships with Jesus Christ being built in the community. And, although this is a store, it is a ministry first, in which they faithfully lead the team to complete that mission.
We Believe
God Loves Everyone
In the beginning, God created the entire universe. The world was perfect and had a perfect relationship with God. [Gen 1]
Humanity Disobeyed God
We believe that at one point or another, all people have disobeyed God's commandments. We have all messed up and this is called sin. Although the punishment for sin is death (which means separation from God forever) there is hope. God loves us too much to leave us separated from Him forever. Thankfully, He provided a way to restore our broken relationship with Him. When you accept Him as your personal savior then one day all believers will be joined with Him in heaven for eternal life.
[John 3:16}
Jesus Is The Way
God came to earth in the form of man through His son Jesus Christ. Jesus lived a perfect life of complete obedience to His heavenly Father. Because He was perfect, He could die in our place and take the punishment we deserved. Then Jesus rose from the dead to give us new life. All it takes is believing in Jesus and asking Him for the forgiveness of your sins. If you don't know Jesus Christ as your personal savior and would like to learn more about Him, we would love to talk and pray with you. [Acts 16:31]
Our Services
Emergency Food Shelf
We understand people go through difficult times and putting food on the table can be a struggle. Whatever the situation is, if you need help please stop in our store. Once you arrive, ask the friendly cashiers about putting in a food order. They will connect you with the right person. We ask that you stop in between 10:30 am - 4:30 pm to ensure that a team member is available to help!
Saturday Food Distribution
Every Saturday, anybody is welcome to receive free food through our food distribution. Come at 11 am to Lutheran Church of the Ascension. This is a drive through distribution. Recipients generally receive fresh produce, deli items, bread, and sweets depending on that day's donations.
Before the pandemic we offered chapel Tuesday - Saturday 9:30 - 10 am, located in Shepherd's Heart Chapel, the next store front south of the store. Everybody is welcome to join us! We hope to reopen soon!
Do you need prayer for something? Ask one of our friendly team members to pray with you. God cares about you and we want to pray for you, anytime you need it.